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The research and development phase of the playmaking process is supported by the National Arts Council. My research is conducted through the African Centre for Cities and the University of Cape Town’s Drama Department, with grants from the National Research Foundation and the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust.
We are grateful too, to the inhabitants of Bertrams for their investment in this project; particularly participants based at Bertrams Junior School, Gerald Fitzpatrick House, Bienvenu Refugee Shelter and Maurice Freeman Recreation Centre. 
African Centre for Cities

The African Centre for Cities (ACC) is an interdisciplinary research and teaching programme focused on quality scholarship regarding the dynamics of unsustainable urbanisation processes in Africa, with an eye on identifying systemic responses. 

University of Cape Town
Drama Department

Located in the heart of South Africa's beautiful Mother City and built on a proud tradition of excellence, The UCT Drama Department is committed to nurturing individual creative and academic brilliance within the context of a vibrant local and international performing arts community.

National Arts Council

The National Arts Council of South Africa was established in April, 1997 through an act of parliament (Act no.56 of 1997), and is a national agency mandated by the Department of Arts and Culture, with the responsibility of developing South Africa’s creative industry by awarding grants to individuals and organisations in the arts. This is embedded in the mission which is to develop and promote excellence in the arts. The vision of the NAC is to promote, through the arts, the free expression of South Africa’s cultures.

National Research Foundation

The NRF receives its mandate from the National Research Foundation Act (Act No 23 of 1998). The object of the NRF is to: promote and support research through funding, human resource development and the provision of the necessary facilities; in order to facilitate the creation of knowledge, innovation and development in all fields of science and technology, including indigenous knowledge; and thereby contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of all the people of the Republic.

Openheimer Memorial Trust

The trust was established in 1985/58?! by the late Mr Harry Oppenheimer in memory of his father, sir Ernest, and has a long tradition of investing in education and related fields. The Openheimer Memorial Trust offers bursaries for postgraduate study at Masters, Doctoral and Postdoctoral level.

Bienvenu Refugee Shelter

In 2001 Bienvenu Shelter was inaugurated in response to the lack of services that cater to the basic needs of migrant (refugees/asylum seekers) women and children.  In cooperation with other organizations, The Bienvenu Shelter aims to provide psychological support, health care, English Language courses, professional training, schooling for their children and also some financial support for small businesses, assistance during repatriation or resettlement to third countries, obtaining personal/legal documentation and much more when and if the need arises.

Maurice Freeman Recreation Centre

Maurice Freeman Recreation Centre is situted in Bertrams and offers holiday programmes, church groups, netball, basketball, soccer, tennis, snooker, table tennis, chess, badminton, morabaraba, diketo, snakes and ladders, and hall rental. 

Bertrams Junior School

Bertrams Junior School is a non-fee paying public primary school located in Judith's Paarl. Through all its staff, the school endeavours to equip all its pupils with a solid, reliable foundation of knowledge, life skills and personal belief to enable them to realise their goals and dreams in becoming succesful citizens who make a postive contribution to the society of which they are a part. 

Gerald Fitzpatrick House

Gerald Fitzpatrick House, a ladies only home for Older Persons in the East of Joburg. They help elderly women of limited means by providing them with inexpensive accommodation. Residents have varying backgrounds and are welcomed irrespective of race or creed.

Bertrams Inner City Farm

Bertrams Inner City Farm is a Bambanani Food and Herb Cooperative Project. Their organic vegetable garden is in the heart of Jozi and they sell their produce to the Community, Retail Stores, Small Businesses and directly to the public.

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